Saturday, July 2, 2011


So about days ago, the news about my dear idol Ryutaro Morimoto from Hey Say JUMP who got caught smoking underage are spreading everywhere and anywhere. I absolutely so sad when I hear this news. I thought this is just a hoax or someone mistook it. But, some sites already talked about it, and that's where one of my biggest fear begin.
I still don't know this news is confirm or not, but I heard Johnny finally suspend Ryuu from his idol activities for 5 months. I just hope it's just a lie, or something or a prank. But sadly, this is the truth. I will not see one of my idol on tv or any magazine. This is just sad
I wish this is never happen. I just hope fans still positive thinking about JUMP, and still support them, especially Ryuu. Whatever decision that Johnny will make is the best, I just hope that.

I hope there's no bad rumor about this case. And if the news about Ryuu's 5 months suspend is true, I hope Ryuu will back to JUMP and everything is gonna be like usual. I personally curse the magazine who started this news with Ryuu's smoking pic, cause what I heard, Ryuu started to try smoking in the age of 14, but why they made the article like 2 years later? And the pic that they placed in the article is like a photoshoot. It's not papapic, cause he posed to the camera. I'm just confuse with this, I just hope this is just a misunderstanding and not Johnny's plan. Only God knows the truth though.
If you read this entry, please support them. Hey Say JUMP is one of great boyband with a talented members, including Ryuu. They need much support, and please DON'T JUDGE THEM.
I'm planning to make a photo to show my support, but I just don't get any idea now :/
And I hope Ryuu is already back on December, cause I'll go to Japan this December and planning to watch JE concert, hopefully it's JUMP concert
That's all about my opinion about this news, and my planning and my prayer. Hope JUMP wil continue without lose any member, cause without all 10 members, the group will not be perfect.

[EDIT] Again, there's a rumor about Ryuu. It said that Johnny will makes a new group called ABO or wahtever is that and Ryuu will be the member of it. I still NOT BELIEVE it though. And I hope it's not true and not happen. I don't like seeing my dear Ryuu in a new group except Hey Say JUMP or Hey Say 7. For now, I believe that this news is only a hoax, even though it says that it's already confirm etc.

I support Hey Say JUMP

Friday, July 1, 2011

Itu Ceritaku, Apa Ceritamu? :3

Baik, kembali bersama saya dan bu Neti yang sedang bergalau dan bergila ria sekarang.
Jaman sekarang, iklan memberikan banyak pengaruh kepada masyarakat, terutama remaja dan anak-anak labil *wets bahasa gw*
Okeh, kami berdua saat ini sedang bergalau di tengah malam di MSN, sampe akhirnya kami membuat banyak cerita Indomie :)
Berikut cerita Neti bersma Indomie:
BAGAI MAKAN INDOMIE SENDIRIAN...... padahal dulu chinen selalu nemenin aku makan indomie. Sekarang dia sibuk, makan indomie tanpa chi . jadi beda.

Itu ceritaku, apa ceritamu :)

Cerita saya bersama Indomie:
INDOMIE BERCAMPUR LARASA...............biasanya aku dan daiki tuh masak indomie bareng pas malem2 ato pas lagi bosen. trus, biarr indomie nya turun ke hati, kita bikin nya pake larasa, karena dr larasa, indomie nya bisa turun ke hati.

itu ceritaku, apa ceritamu  :3

Cerita bipbipbipbip bersama Indomie:
INDOMIE BERSAMA AYAMKU ....... setiap hari aku ol fb, meunggu ayam tercintaku, y***** r******, sampe dia ol sambil makan indomie. karena makan indomie, adrenalinku terpacu untuk spam wall dia pas dia ol. terima kasih indomie, sekarang mungkin banayk yg report as spam ke aku :):)

itu ceritaku, apa ceritamu *-*

Cerita Chinen Yuri aka Chii bersama Indomie (edisi Chiipe)
Indomie bersama DOMPETKU :) Aku doyan banget makan jadi uangku selalu abis buat beli makan. Tapi sejak aku makan indomie Uangku gak cepet abis :D Karena, jika diketahui harga 1 bungkus indomie adalah 1000 rupiah, maka dikalikan dengan jumlah pemakaiannya, 3x sehari = 3000 rupiah! terima kasih indomie sekarang dompetku jadi lebih tebel! titik dua bintang i loph you indomie

Okeh itulah cerita indomie kami disaat larut malam.
Itu cerita kami, apa ceritamu? :)

About #CHIIpe

Okeh, beberapa hari ini, kata cipe aka cina pelit sering terdengar dari mult ke mulut
Termasuk dari mulut gw
Tapi ternyata, menurut kamus besar bahasa Jepang, ternyata cipe itu berasal dari nama artis Jepang dari group yang sedang populer, Hey Say JUMP, yang tak lain adalah Chinen Yuri.
Oke biar saya jelaskan
Chinen Yuri, umur 17 tahun, lahir di Shizuoka pada tanggal 30 November 1993 ini (selebihnya cari sendiri di wikipedia ato om gugel) terkenal dengan nama panggilannya, yaitu CHII
Dan karena mukanya yang cute itu, maka terciptalah sebuah kata CHIIPE.
Berikut salah 1 bukti ke chiipe-an nya melalu suratnya ke teman saya, Neti bin Mesut:

Oh neti, matamu lebih mengkilat drpada uang logam

Oh neti, senyumanmu lebih hangat dr dompetku

Oh neti, suaramu lebih halus drpada uang lembaran 50.000

pengirimnya : orang chipe

Anda bisa liat nama pengirimnya aka si chinen. Anda bisa melihat ke chiipe-an chinen di tempat-tempat lain ato tertentu. Silahkan search sendiri bukti-bukti otentik lainnya
Sekian terima kasih

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Rapid Video Download

Recently, I really distarcted by Johnny's Juniors.
So right now, I really have many videos to download, such as YanYan Jump, Shokura clips, KATTUN shows, etc etc. Like wow, I already joined many comms on LJ, to get more and more videos.
But thanks to the internet connections in Indonesia, which is super SLOW, each videos' esteminated time download is aboput 2 hours-3 hours, exept the one from YouTube. You do know that most of vidoes from LJ are using MF or MU, and it must divide into some parts, and must join it with HJSplit. Each part of it require 1-2 HOURS, or maybe more. Now I wish I live in a country that has a super speed internet connections.

Well, right now, because of this boy named JESSE LEWIS, I started to look at some Johnny's Junior.
My first want to get debut junior is definitely Hip Hop JUMP, cause there're Jesse Lewis, Tanaka Juri, Murata Rikito, Kento Kadoi, etc etc. And should I say: I LOVE ALL THE MEMBERS. They also dance very well as I can see.
Second, I wanna BI Shadow to get debut (and sorry, without Nakayama Yuma please) cause, yeah I think they alreeady get enough outstanding performances and already have many fans.Hope Johnny realizes this.
Okay next, this Juniors often appears in many shows and performances with their senpais, and I finally know their names! Like the usual juniors: Masuda Ryo, Takada Sho, Yasui Kentaro, Kyomoto Taiga, Anderson Cassey, etc etc. My favorite here is Yasui Kentaro with his adorable face <3

I'm stuck with Johnny's Junior, Hey Say JUMP, KATTUN, NEWS, and Arashi downloads now!
My ongoing downloads: YanYan JUMP ep 4, SMAPxSMAP 100 Juniors, NMP Concert Disc 2, Arashi's SCENE Concert, and Soukon!
And can you imagine day by day, a new videos keep coming and coming! T_T
Maybe I should really get another Hard Disk for this.

I'm so happy that I finally already pre-ordered JUMP's 'Over' single. I pre-ordered the LE one, and I remind you, better order it fast, cause in CDJapan, it's already sold out!
And I'm still in sort of gloomy these days~
So yeah, I also can't wait for my Singapore trip with my beloved friends <3
Oh and thanks for those who download my fancover XD
Until next entry~

Listening to: Snow Prince - Snow Prince Gasshoudan
Downloading: YanYan JUMP ep 4 (part 2)
Mood: ?????????

Saturday, April 30, 2011

My Fancover

So recently, I really like to do some song cover.
I recorded all of it using my phone, so the voice is quite.umm..weird ?
And soo, I also share my songcover through mediafire.
This is what I called experience, so feel free to download and comment.
Thanks! :)

Tegomass - Moshimo kono sekai kara OO ga nakunattara:

Yabu Kota - My Everything:

NYC - Yume Tamago:

Chinen Yuri - Ookiku nare boku:

When a girl can't hold back her feelings.....................

Okeh, pertama, entry ini dibuat karena gw akhir-akhir ini, atau bahkan..3 bulan terakhir ini sering banget galau + sedih.
Alasan: temen gw, yang dulu pernah gw cerita itu, yang gw panggil Yuta itu, beberapa bulan yang lalu ngedeaktif fb dia karena suatu masalah. Setelah dia aktifin fb nya lagi, dia mulai berubah.

Apa masalahnya ke gw ?

Perubahan itu bener2 ngeffect banget ke gw karena sampe sekarang, dia bener-bener nyuekin gw, atau bahkan lupain, ato lebih parah lagi mungkin dia benci gw.
Wall gw, message gw, ato apapun yang gw kirim sia-sia. Mungkin dibaca juga ga, gw gatau. Tapi biasanya, dia bakal setidaknya bales wall gw pas dia ol. Selama 3 bulan terakir ini, dia bener-bener nyuekin gw parah.
Kayak tiap hari gw mikirin gw salah apa ke dia, ato gw pernah ngomong apa ke dia, tapi gw ga merasa salah ato gimana. Tapi tetep aja, walopun temen gw udah nanyain ke dia, apakah dia lagi benci ama orang ato ga, dia jawab ga. Gw jadi mikir, sebenrnya dia tuh sengaja ngehindarin gw, ato disuruh, ato apa gw gatau.

Gw jadi takut buka fb begitu tau dia ol tanpa bales wall ato message gw. Kayak sekarang, gw ragu-ragu nutup tab fb gw ato ga. Yaa gw tau gw ga gitu deket banget ama dia, tapi setidaknya gw pengen ngobrol ama dia, maksud gw, setidaknya gw ga dicuekin ato gimana. Gw emang selalu berharap dibales, berharap suatu hari kayak gw bisa tiap kali ngobrol ama dia dll.

Bulan December 2010 itu sebenernya bikin gw makin berharap, sampai akhirnya gw sedih sendiri gara-gara gw terlalu berharap ama dia. Atau mungkin emang dia udah lupain gw, karena emang gw itu cuman passing by di profile fb dia, say hi, ato nanya-nanya sesuatu yang mungkin menurut dia hal yang ga penting.
Atau mungkin gw menyadari satu kesalahan gw, yaitu pas dia ol, di deket-deket dia off, gw baru kirim wall. Gw ngerti mungkin emang dia udah off, jadi dia ga baca wall gw ato gimana. Tapi seterusnya, sampe message dll bener-bener ga dibales sampe gw serem sendiri liat wall-wall sama message yang gw kirim ke dia tuh bejibun. Gw berasa kayak stalker dia ato terlihat banget gw bener-bener pengen dibales.
Pertama-tama gw emang berharap gw dibales biar kita bisa ngobrol trus kayak waktu itu.
Tapi sekarang tujuan gw ngirim wall ato message, sebenrnya gw pengen tau, dia tuh masih nyuekin gw ato ga, ato dia sengaja ga bales, ato emang dia ga liat gara-gara wall gw ketimpa wall yang lain.
Jujur gw merasa dia sengaja ato emang ga mau ngomong ama gw lagi.

Gw ga enak ama temen gw, kayak di setiap chat, gw bakal ngomong kalo gw tuh sedih gara-gara dia, galau gara-gara dia. Yang follow twitter gw juga kadang-kadang ato sering banget gw ngetweet 'miss him' 'miss you so much' dan lain lain itu sebenernya buat dia. Kayak, gw bener-bener takut dia benci gw. Gw ga papa jarang dibales ama dia, asal bener-bener ga dicuekin ato bahkan selama 3 bulan ini ga dibales ama dia.
Liat dia di video, denger dia nyanyi dll, rasanya gw merasa kalo gw emang mungkin gabakal deket, ketemu, apalagi sering ngobrol ama dia. Gw cuman bisa ngidolain dia, cuman sebatas gitu aja.

Tiap hari gw masih mikir, apa salah gw ke dia sampe kayak gitu, gw bahkan sering berdoa biar masalah ini selese, biar gw bisa liburan tenang, seneng, tanpa pikiran ato gimana. Gw tau sebenernya konyol banget buat mikirin kenapa gw ga dibales ama dia ato gimana, tapi gw masih terus kepikiran kenapa bisa kayak gitu jadinya.

Oke, gw akhirnya curhat di blog atas saran temen gw. Tapi gw bener-bener berharap, semua bakal balik ke awal, kayak December 2010 itu, pas hari gw ngobrol ama dia, pas gw at least bisa contact ama dia. Oke gw super lebay, tapi begitulah isi perasaan sama pikiran gw sekarang. Lebay, galau, sedih, ga bisa dideskripsiin.
Sekian curhat galau gw ditengah  malam 1 May 2011, 1.00 AM

The sakura of love will never, in the soil of this heart, bloom again
Once more, some day,
I'll walk down that path
to sow another flower.

Listening to: Ai no Hana - Ueda Tatsuya
Mood: sad

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Hi there everyone! I'm back from all the hellish daaaaaay!
Today my national exams just finished XD it means i just have to wait until my graduation day~
Yay for that :)

Anyway, I keep updating with my fandom too. From JUMP until Arashi nee~
OH and now I knew most of Johnny's Juniors' names who usualy appeared in some concert and performance. Also, I starting like this Junior group called HIP HOP JUMP. About them, I think their dance are cool and they're great singers too. Johnny should debut them soon *with bi shadow too of course*
My ichiban in Hip Hop Jump is Jesse Lewis :3 *the right one in below* and also Tanaka Juri *the middle one in below* wish they can get their solo songs soon!

Just now, I realized that I don't have any concert goodies from my fandoms ._. so now I'm thinking to buy JUMP's Spring Concert uchiwas (the Daiki and Chinen one). What do you think ? Should I buy it or nooot ._.

As I look that I usually just took many videos from LJ, I'm thinking to be in one of subs team actually. I wanna be uploader, cause I can't even translate anything T_T but I already told my mom that I wanna take Japanese courseeee :3

Okay, every paragraphs that I wrote in this entry don't have any relation at all. Sorry for the random entry, but I'm just happy that finally I can update my blog again.
Ah yeah, abiut the new banner that I love so much was made by my friend nee~ Credits to gabmaria_quincy :)

Last but not least, thanks fro those who reads my blog and also followed me here and twitter :3
Hope I can spread more love and piece (?) XD
Listening to: w/o notice - Kamenashi Kazuya
Downloading: Arashi's SCENE Concert Tour
Mood: happy to the maaaax!

Friday, January 14, 2011


Dedicated for my Mother and Father, who always support me. All thanks from me to both of you, who always besides me to become my hope


Konna ni mo hontou no ai wo boku ni utai tsuzuketa kimi no subete

Wasurenai yo umarekawatte mo

Hitori de ikiteiru to kanchigai mo shita

Sashitasareta sono nukumori wo kanashimaseta ne

Tsugou ga ii toki dake amaete mite mo

Kimi wa itsumo mikata ni natte egao wo kureta

Kioku dake ja katarenai kizuna wa kienai eien ni

Konna ni mo hontou no ai wo boku ni utai tsuzuketa kimi no subete

Wasurenai yo umarekawatte mo

Kimi ni totte kono boku wa hokori ni nareta

Hazukashikute kikenai keredo sou aritai yo

Kokoro tokasu you na egao nani yori mitetai eien ni

Todokanai ai wa nai to boku ni oshiete kureta kimi no koe wa

Mitsukedasu yo umarekawatte mo

Todokanai ai wa nai to boku ni oshiete kureta kimi no koe wa

Mitsukedasu yo umarekawatte mo

Kibishikatta senaka mo itsumo no aida ni ka chiisaku kanjite naze ka samishii

Kuchi aku tabi uzattaku kanjiteta ano kogoto sura ima ja itoshii

“Dare mo anata no doryoku wo mitenakute mo watashitachi wa sugu soba de miteru”

Eien ni mune no oku no tokoro ga sono kotoba michiafure hitomi nurasu

Kanshimaseta lie mou uso wa nai konna baka na san kansha luv no sign

Ore wa ore nari ni tsutaeruze kizuna tada nagaiki shiro yo ushiro nanka mizu na

Dare yori mo soba ni iruyo bokura ga deaeta kono unmei wa

Togirenai yo umarekawatte mo

Umarekawatte mo


I will never forget any of you, who continued singing your unconditional love to me

Even if I’m reborn

Thinking I was on my own was wrong

You offered so much to me; that warmth makes me sad

Even if I depended on you only when it was convenient

You were always my supporter, gave me a smile

It’s not only the memories; our bond will never fade, for eternity

I will never forget any of you, who continued singing your unconditional love to me

Even if I'm reborn

To you, did I become your pride and joy?

It’s embarrassing and I can’t listen to you say it, but I want it to be

Your smile that melts my heart, I want to be seeing that more than anything, eternally

I’ll find the voice of you who thinks of me and has no love held back

Even if I'm reborn

I’ll find the voice of you who thinks of me and has no love held back

Even if I'm reborn

(Like every time, I feel your strict back getting smaller; why am I lonely?

I felt like every time you opened your mouth it was to scold me; now even that reprimand is dear

“Even if no one notices your effort, we’ll be right there to see it”

For eternity, my heart will be full of those words, my eyes wet

You making me sad is a lie, it’s not a lie anymore, this dummy’s gratitude, a sign of love

I’m expressing this bond in my own way, just live long without looking back)

More than anyone, I’ll be by your side. This fate, of us meeting can’t be broken, even if we’re reborn

Even if we’re reborn


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Test Masuk

Rasanya cepet banget udah Januari. Dan tanpa sadar besok gw udah test sma sanur
Entah kenapa gw ga gt nervous ato panik, gatau kenapa. justru gw anggap gw tuh aneh kalo ga panik di saat seperti ini.
Kasih tau aja, yang di test besok adalah pelajaran matematika, bhs indonesia, dan bahasa inggris.
Mat: susah, tapi gw akan selalu yakin kalo gw bisa XD
B.ind: gatau, tp setidaknya gw yakin gw bisa gatau juga, tapi gw bener2 yakin gw bisa

Intinya gw ga boleh nyerah atopun gugup. gw harus PD

I believe in God and I believe in myself

Anyway please pray for me for tomorrow ! XD
Lusa gw juga akan menghadapi test wawancara, lalu keesokannya lagi psikotest.
Gw yakin gw bisa.
God will always bless me :)

Oke entry kali ini bener-bener galau banget -__-

Friday, January 7, 2011


"Kyou kara we are FIGHTING MAN~~"

Currently i'm listening to this song everyday. Yup, it's NEWS' Fighting Man XD

This Figting Man songs is really.... GREAT ! I'm s love this songs especially the lyric XD
also the PV <3<3<3  MASSUUUUUUUUUU

NEWS is one of my favorite boyband in Johnny's ~
I love Massuu *Masuda Takahisa* the most cause of his great voice and dance and facee XD
but i like the other members too :3

Okay back to Fighting Man, i'm just printscreen some pic from the pv ~~

First pic that i caught:







Anyway that;'s every NEWS members' funny faces that i caught XDDD
But too bad Ryo's face is not funny enough -,-
sorry news fans it's just for fun and remember, i love news too XD


*taken from Fighting Man performance XDDDDD*

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Jam menunjukkan pukul 3 pagi dan tentunya, gw masih bangun.
Thanks to KARYA TULIS, gw udah begadang sebanyak... 5 kali gara-gara belom selesein kartul.
Bagusnya gw rencana bakal ngumpulin hari selasa besok, tapi gw sampe sekarang blom selese dan menghadapi stress. Dan sekarang lagi proses bkin bab 4 yang gw dah gatau isinya apaan.
Rencanannya gw bakal tidur jem 4 tapi gatau deh kalo gw kebablasan sampe jem 6 ato mungkin gw ga tidur
Derita anak kelas 9 yang terberat emang katul. Nasib.
Karena itu, di twitter pun gw mulai spam-spam ga jelas
Semakin malam saya semakin galau, apalagi gara-gara liatin pv kattun terus, especially Ueda Tatsuya.

Betul, gw lagu bener jatuh cinta sama pv One Drop nya Kattun, apalagi dengan Ueda.
Tapi yasudalah, kartul sudah menunggu gw dan gw bener-bener harus selesein tuh kartul biar gw bisa bebas besok.
Ah tapi besok gw ga bisa bebas juga soalnya sepertinya gw harus les mat buat test masuk sma. wth laaaah
Oke, harus selesin kartul sekarang~
jaaaa !


Yes i really miss her. She's a really REALLY great subber i ever met. I haven't comment on her live journal yet, cause i haven't make it. But once i finish making the lj account, she already deleted her lj !
Damn those people who don't follow the rules. I really NEED her now.
I even didn't have a chance to thank her.
Seriously, she already do a good things for us, JE fans. She subs every videos really fast.
Just thank her by not uploading it to streaming sites ! geez
I just hope she reads this post
How JE fans need her now, including me, who doesn't really understand japanese and still need subs.

And yeah, i wanna say to her now:


So until now, i'm still hoping that NEWSHFAN will comeback and continue subbing again.
That's all

Lots of love from one of your fan :)

Two People who Inspires Me

Yes i have many inspiring people. Both of them are my favorite singers XDD

Besides being my favorite singers, their talents also inspires me. Don't know why~
So here it is:

1. Chinen Yuri
You see, i love him so much, i mean, he inspires me A LOT.
He inspiring me by showing his talents and intellegence.
Here's the way he inspiring me:

a. He's clever
   I heard he's one of the best student in his school. I mean, he's not only good at dance and sing, but also on studies. I really want to be like him, so sometimes when i have a test, i have an urge to study so i can be like him, intellegent.

b. His acrobats
   I know it's kinda weird, but his acrobats inspires me to do more photography. This is the inspiring photo:

Taken from Myojo December 2010
So now i have new goal in this 2011 year:

c. Dance Talent
Everyone sure know that he's good at dance, so yeah, last year i start to learn how to dance and now dance is one of my hobby XD

2. Yabu Kota
I call him as the true musician.
Why ? cause i really think his passion towards music is really..... pure.
I basically admire his music talent.
His voice is actually beautiful
He also can compose songs and lyrics, and it's prove that all his creations are really great.
That's why, i wanna learn how to compose songs and make a beautiful, deep, meaningful lyrics like him.

Actually i'm still searching for a people who can inspires me more
The reason is, i wanna become a great person nee~
Yup, so that's why i stil admire those 2 people because they made change.. a lot ^^

Daily link:
add my livejournal ! XD

Mood: busy -,- *blame kartul*
Listening to: One Love - Arashi