Saturday, July 2, 2011


So about days ago, the news about my dear idol Ryutaro Morimoto from Hey Say JUMP who got caught smoking underage are spreading everywhere and anywhere. I absolutely so sad when I hear this news. I thought this is just a hoax or someone mistook it. But, some sites already talked about it, and that's where one of my biggest fear begin.
I still don't know this news is confirm or not, but I heard Johnny finally suspend Ryuu from his idol activities for 5 months. I just hope it's just a lie, or something or a prank. But sadly, this is the truth. I will not see one of my idol on tv or any magazine. This is just sad
I wish this is never happen. I just hope fans still positive thinking about JUMP, and still support them, especially Ryuu. Whatever decision that Johnny will make is the best, I just hope that.

I hope there's no bad rumor about this case. And if the news about Ryuu's 5 months suspend is true, I hope Ryuu will back to JUMP and everything is gonna be like usual. I personally curse the magazine who started this news with Ryuu's smoking pic, cause what I heard, Ryuu started to try smoking in the age of 14, but why they made the article like 2 years later? And the pic that they placed in the article is like a photoshoot. It's not papapic, cause he posed to the camera. I'm just confuse with this, I just hope this is just a misunderstanding and not Johnny's plan. Only God knows the truth though.
If you read this entry, please support them. Hey Say JUMP is one of great boyband with a talented members, including Ryuu. They need much support, and please DON'T JUDGE THEM.
I'm planning to make a photo to show my support, but I just don't get any idea now :/
And I hope Ryuu is already back on December, cause I'll go to Japan this December and planning to watch JE concert, hopefully it's JUMP concert
That's all about my opinion about this news, and my planning and my prayer. Hope JUMP wil continue without lose any member, cause without all 10 members, the group will not be perfect.

[EDIT] Again, there's a rumor about Ryuu. It said that Johnny will makes a new group called ABO or wahtever is that and Ryuu will be the member of it. I still NOT BELIEVE it though. And I hope it's not true and not happen. I don't like seeing my dear Ryuu in a new group except Hey Say JUMP or Hey Say 7. For now, I believe that this news is only a hoax, even though it says that it's already confirm etc.

I support Hey Say JUMP

Friday, July 1, 2011

Itu Ceritaku, Apa Ceritamu? :3

Baik, kembali bersama saya dan bu Neti yang sedang bergalau dan bergila ria sekarang.
Jaman sekarang, iklan memberikan banyak pengaruh kepada masyarakat, terutama remaja dan anak-anak labil *wets bahasa gw*
Okeh, kami berdua saat ini sedang bergalau di tengah malam di MSN, sampe akhirnya kami membuat banyak cerita Indomie :)
Berikut cerita Neti bersma Indomie:
BAGAI MAKAN INDOMIE SENDIRIAN...... padahal dulu chinen selalu nemenin aku makan indomie. Sekarang dia sibuk, makan indomie tanpa chi . jadi beda.

Itu ceritaku, apa ceritamu :)

Cerita saya bersama Indomie:
INDOMIE BERCAMPUR LARASA...............biasanya aku dan daiki tuh masak indomie bareng pas malem2 ato pas lagi bosen. trus, biarr indomie nya turun ke hati, kita bikin nya pake larasa, karena dr larasa, indomie nya bisa turun ke hati.

itu ceritaku, apa ceritamu  :3

Cerita bipbipbipbip bersama Indomie:
INDOMIE BERSAMA AYAMKU ....... setiap hari aku ol fb, meunggu ayam tercintaku, y***** r******, sampe dia ol sambil makan indomie. karena makan indomie, adrenalinku terpacu untuk spam wall dia pas dia ol. terima kasih indomie, sekarang mungkin banayk yg report as spam ke aku :):)

itu ceritaku, apa ceritamu *-*

Cerita Chinen Yuri aka Chii bersama Indomie (edisi Chiipe)
Indomie bersama DOMPETKU :) Aku doyan banget makan jadi uangku selalu abis buat beli makan. Tapi sejak aku makan indomie Uangku gak cepet abis :D Karena, jika diketahui harga 1 bungkus indomie adalah 1000 rupiah, maka dikalikan dengan jumlah pemakaiannya, 3x sehari = 3000 rupiah! terima kasih indomie sekarang dompetku jadi lebih tebel! titik dua bintang i loph you indomie

Okeh itulah cerita indomie kami disaat larut malam.
Itu cerita kami, apa ceritamu? :)

About #CHIIpe

Okeh, beberapa hari ini, kata cipe aka cina pelit sering terdengar dari mult ke mulut
Termasuk dari mulut gw
Tapi ternyata, menurut kamus besar bahasa Jepang, ternyata cipe itu berasal dari nama artis Jepang dari group yang sedang populer, Hey Say JUMP, yang tak lain adalah Chinen Yuri.
Oke biar saya jelaskan
Chinen Yuri, umur 17 tahun, lahir di Shizuoka pada tanggal 30 November 1993 ini (selebihnya cari sendiri di wikipedia ato om gugel) terkenal dengan nama panggilannya, yaitu CHII
Dan karena mukanya yang cute itu, maka terciptalah sebuah kata CHIIPE.
Berikut salah 1 bukti ke chiipe-an nya melalu suratnya ke teman saya, Neti bin Mesut:

Oh neti, matamu lebih mengkilat drpada uang logam

Oh neti, senyumanmu lebih hangat dr dompetku

Oh neti, suaramu lebih halus drpada uang lembaran 50.000

pengirimnya : orang chipe

Anda bisa liat nama pengirimnya aka si chinen. Anda bisa melihat ke chiipe-an chinen di tempat-tempat lain ato tertentu. Silahkan search sendiri bukti-bukti otentik lainnya
Sekian terima kasih